Gas Network Modelling
VBS-Solve ®   ...simple, fast, accurate ...

VBS-Solve®  is an innovative model construct and maths engine used to create and solve the hydraulic equations describing a gas transportation network.  Its smart search algorithm delivers fast solution times and, with flexible input/output data formats, brings accurate engineering analysis into the office desktop environment.

Latest News - We are delighted to welcome Northern Gas Networks Ltd (NGN) as a licensee of VBS-Solve®.  NGN will be using VBS-Solve® to support the strategic assessment of its current and future Networks.  V2.0 featuring automatic uprating of network assets now available!
 VBS-Solve® is :

SIMPLE - retains only those aspects of the network model construct that make a hydraulic difference whilst allowing the User scope to tailor input to their specific needs.

FAST - a smart solution search vector uses analytical derivative information to deliver a solution in typically less than 10 iterations, taking just seconds to run on an office PC.

ACCURATE - solutions have been successfully benchmarked against two industry leading COTS packages.

Capabilities of VBS-Solve®
Gases - natural gases of variable composition, bio-gases, hydrogen blends through to pure hydrogen
System pressures - from 20 mbar(g) to 100 bar
Reversible flows calculated automatically in looping networks
System complexity - tested to to 60,000 nodes and pipe segments
Solve time - seconds on an office PC
Load shedding scenarios
Upstream flow tracing from user-selected nodes
Allows for automatic uprating of Governor Pressures and Pipeline sizes to address capacity shortfalls

Key Data Input
Pipe data - diameter, length, efficiency, connectivity, roughness
Node data - geographic elevation, thermal/volumetric demand, minimum pressure
Supply points/Sources - constant pressure  input gas compositions
Physical properties - heating value, specific gravity, viscosity
Regulators/Valves - control set points, valve coefficients, connectivity
Compressors - unit powers and operating envelopes (transmission systems only)

Flow rates in all pipe segments (scm/h)
Pressure at all nodes (mbar or bar)
Average System Pressure (mbar, bar)
Identification of nodes below minimum pressures
Combustion Properties - Gas CV, Wobbe Index, H2 % at all nodes
Linepack (GWh) (transmission only)
Flow Traces
Zones of Influence of Sources
Governors and Pipe diameters selected for automatic uprating

Improve your knowledge about the capability of your gas network - robustness to changing supply and demand patterns, impact of hydrogen rich gases on network minimum pressures, capacity impact of your mains replacement programme, automating your connections enquiry service.  Make VBS-Solve® your network digital twin!
VBS-Solve® is a registered trademark of Vector Business Services Ltd
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